Since publishing my call for WordPress Event Theme Developers. I’ve had a few requests for “event theme” use case examples, along with questions such as, “Why would anyone need a specific event theme? Just use a good WordPress event plugin.” In this post, I’ll attempt to shed more light on what event managers are looking for […]
How is Building an Event Ticketing Website on top of WordPress Like Building a Treehouse?
Have you ever built a treehouse? Where did you start? Did you have a plan or did you just start nailing boards to a tree?
My first tree house started out when I nailed some boards to a tree, so I could climb it easier. Initially, I just wanted to get a better view of the public land behind my house.
Did you know? The Event Smart Ticketing Platform is Powered by WordPress
First off, what is Event Smart? Event Smart is a free, online event registration and ticketing platform. Better known as a Software as a Service (SaaS) event registration and ticketing platform, but it’s much more than that. How is Event Smart More Than a Ticketing Platform? Event Smart is the only event ticketing platform that […]